In Troubled Times, Some Important Advances to Protect Student Rights

In the last few years, the rights of students in North Carolina universities have received some significant new protections. It is important that state legislators and educators continue to do so, for such rights—pertaining to free speech and due process of punitive proceedings—have been under assault on college campuses nationwide in recent years.

Accommodating College Students with Learning Disabilities: ADD, ADHD, and Dyslexia

Universities are providing extra time on tests, quiet exam rooms, in-class note-takers, and other assistance to college students with modest learning disabilities. But these policies are shrouded in secrecy. This paper, “Accommodating College Students with Learning Disabilities: ADD, ADHD, and Dyslexia,” by Melana Zyla Vickers, examines the nature of this assistance and discusses the policy questions it raises.

Why UNC-CH leftists are right to complain about Coulter’s visit

UNC-CH leftists are incensed about the decision to fund Coulter’s speech. Why should they pay — through their student fees — to support Coulter, whose views they find odious?

In other words, they’re sounding like conservatives, who’ve been objecting to their being made to support leftist causes through student fees for years.