What Happens When Schools Abandon Merit?

…Business School pleads that his school’s efforts at racial justice have been “painfully insufficient.” Such absurd statements show that American education leaders can’t resist groveling before the Diversity, Equity, and…

Free Speech at UNC 2019

…whether they make public statements on controversial topics like climate change and diversity, the content of freshman orientation sessions, and universities’ mission statements. It also records any barriers to student…

‘Wokeness’ Infiltrates College Music Departments

…of diversity in the music curriculum, insensitivity toward international students, and mistaken assumptions by faculty members about minority students. It’s hard to imagine that the racially restricted “conversation” didn’t involve…

Free Speech for Some

…zone for academics like Burgan. It’s the panacea of patronization. It allows “us” to make statements like “in the times of crisis, our tolerance of diversity fades” and then proceed…