“Secrecy” Over Women

Talk of a Women’s Center at UNC-Wilmington has at least one student organization asking questions. According to John Kaiser, Chairman of the Conservative Leadership Group (CLG) at UNC-W, it’s not the idea of having a women’s center at the University that upsets members of his group, but the secrecy surrounding the issue.

UNC Leaders Want More For Student Aid

Boosting need-based financial aid could help increase overall student enrollment as well as minority enrollment at UNC-system schools, according to Dr. Judith Pulley, Vice President for Academic Planning for UNC. UNC leaders are asking the state for an estimated $19.5 million (for the 2001-03 budget biennium) to boost financial aid. Last year, they received $6.3 million.

UNC, Community Colleges Want Better Salaries

UNC wants $28.5 million and the Community College System $61.5 million in order to make faculty salaries competitive with peer institutions.


While 41 percent of non-Hispanic whites attend college in the United States, only 22 percent of Hispanic youths go, according to “Education=Success.”

New Report on Higher Ed Unduly Praises, Criticizes UNC

The report “Measuring Up 2000” makes North Carolina look good in some respects and bad in others. But before rushing to praise state policymakers where the grades are high or criticize them where the grades are low, we need to examine several questionable assumptions that undermine the validity of those grades.