Putting a Stop to Bias Response Teams

The University of Northern Colorado will disband its bias response team after a series of complaints from first amendment advocates. In the Chronicle of Higher Education.

ITT Sued

Former employees of ITT have filed a lawsuit claiming the company violated federal law by failing to provide 60-days notice. In the Indianapolis Business Journal.

Making Colleges Pay

According to Megan McArdle, penalizing schools with high dropout rates would deter colleges from admitting first generation students. On Bloomberg.

The College Daycare

"Is it too late to encourage colleges to start acting like actual institutions of higher learning rather than a glorified form of preschool?" asks Annie Holmquist. On Intellectual Takeout.

The Death of ITT

"The Education Department effectively cut ITT off from federal student loan dollars...without giving the company a chance to defend itself effectively against the sanctions," writes Jon Healey. In the LA Times.

UNC Takes New Collaboratory Seriously

In defense of a controversial new policy institute at UNC-Chapel Hill, Chancellor Carol Folt said that placing the provost at the helm showed the seriousness with which the university is taking the venture. On WCHL.

Taking a Backseat

"[Higher Education in] North Carolina has in recent months been home to several controversial moves...You wouldn’t know it from the governor’s race," writes Rick Seltzer. On Insie Higher Ed.

Remediation by the Numbers

A new report from the U.S. Department of Education found that 68 percent of community college students and 40 percent of four-year university students were required to take at least one remedial course. On Inside Higher Ed.

Self-Segregated Housing

California State University Los Angeles has debuted segregated housing available to students who identify as Black/African American. On the Daily Caller.

The Cautious University

"The push to respond to complaints about subtle cultural insensitivity, as well as more overt racist behavior, continues on campuses across the country," writes Stephanie Saul. In the New York Times.