Transgender Protections Withdrawn

The Trump administration has withdrawn Obama-era guidance on transgender students, to allow the Education and Justice Departments to “further and more completely consider” the issue. In the Chronicle of Higher Education.

Assessment Without Standardized Tests

First data, based on analysis of work at 92 colleges, finds much success in writing, some success in critical thinking and more limited success in quantitative skills. In Inside Higher Ed.

Let ‘Dreamers’ Stay

UNC president Margaret Spellings explains her support for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Act in the Washington Post.

Money Worries Community College Students

A Center for Community College Student Engagement report found that nearly half of all community college students said they were considering dropping out due to financial pressures. In Diverse Issues in Higher Education.

Funding the First Amendment

Peter Wood says it's time to talk about defunding universities that don't defend free speech. In the Federalist.

Board on Track to Shrink

A measure shrinking the UNC Board of Governors from 32 to 24 members passed its first Senate test. In Carolina Journal.