New Gender Pronoun: “It”

A researcher at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh argues that the word "it" should be considered a new gender pronoun. On the College Fix.

Betsy DeVos Commencent Speaker

Graduates at Bethune-Cookman University are "furious" that Betsy DeVos will be giving this year's commencement speech. The university's president, however, will not withdraw her invitation. On Campus Reform.

UC Santa Cruz Occupation

Students in the Afrikan Black Student Alliance at UC Santa Cruz conducted a three-day occupation on campus. On Thursday, administrators agreed to fulfill their demands.
In Santa Cruz Sentinel.

“Too White” Literature Course

A mandatory literature class focusing on the great works of Western Civilization may be altered due to student activists saying that it "perpetuates white privilege and racism."
On the College Fix.

Privacy of Sex Offenders

A judge ruled on Wednesday that "the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill doesn't have to release the names of students and employees the school's internal administrative processes determined culpable of sex offenses." In WRAL.

Change in Commencement Speeches

James Piereson and Naomi Schaefer Riley say that students need to hear a different message from commencement speakers this year. They recommend that speakers infuse students' "dreams with a dose of realism." In National Review.

Damaged Academic Credibility

An article published in Hypatia about transgender identity and transracialism has been publicly condemned by its publishers. The journal's academic credibility is called into question by such a response. On Inside Higher Ed.

Professor Fired for Blog Post

In 2014, Dr. John McAdams shared a story on his blog about an undergraduate who was not allowed to disagree with same-sex marriage in class. Yesterday, McAdams was terminated from his tenured position at Marquette University. On WILL.

FAFSA Offline

The Internal Revenue Service’s FAFSA will be offline until October. It's been reported that the "tool’s absence stemmed from a breach that may have affected the data of up to 100,000 people." In the Chronicle of Higher Education.

Petition to Ban Confederate Flag

A student at UNC Chapel Hill has started a petition that urges "the Orange County Schools Board of Education to ban the confederate flag in schools." In the Daily Tar Heel.