Summer Course About “White Supremacy”

High school students have the opportunity to take a course about “white supremacy” and “the racial hierarchy” at Brown University this summer. On Campus Reform.

Free Speech and Moral Responsibility

Jonah Goldberg argues that, "in a free society, people have a moral responsibility for what they say, while at the same time a free society requires legal responsibility only for what they actually do." In National Review.

Libertarian Group Shut Down

A group of libertarian students at Linfield College were compared to terrorists and were "condemned and shut down by professors and students." On the College Fix.

“Digital Detox Day”

Dr. Sylvia Frejd of Liberty University, founder of the first "Center for Digital Wellness," encourages students to engage in face-to-face contact this summer instead of looking down at their screens. On the College Fix.

Washington State Free Speech Bills

Lawmakers in Washington state are introducing bills to protect free speech in response to the controversy surrounding Evergreen State College. On Campus Reform.

Computer Science Program in Charlotte

This fall, students without a technology background will be able to participate in a computer science master's program at Northeastern University, Charlotte.
In Charlotte Business Journal.

OCR Guidelines on Transgender Bias

"OCR issues new guidance that clear way for investigating some cases of transgender bias, but advocates for transgender students say the document is inadequate," reports Andrew Kreighbaum. On Inside Higher Ed.

University of Michigan and Free Tuition

The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor will guarantee free tuition for all in-state students starting in January. Some are skeptical about whether this will really benefit low-income students. In the Chronicle of Higher Education.