ACT Test Scores as Indicators of College Readiness

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Are College Preparing Students for the Workforce?

What is the NC Study Center? The Martin Center interviews the center’s founder to find out.

You can learn more about the NC Study Center at their website:

Why is Academic Transparency Needed?

Blueprints for Reform:

Education Book Discussion Featuring Stanley K. Ridgley

Martin Center 20th Anniversary Event – Featuring Gov. Scott Walker

Governor Scott Walker joined the Martin Center at our 20th anniversary celebration.

Celebrating the Martin Center’s 20th Anniversary

Universities: Are they Educators or Landlords?

Read more about university real estate:

Why is University Governance Reform Needed?

Read more about our Blueprints for Reform:

Eye On Academia Podcast 7

The panelists discuss the Supreme Court’s decision in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard. Is the decision going to usher in a new age in which affirmative action in admissions are no more? Or did the justices just open up another loophole by which colleges and universities can continue their current policies of racial preferences?